Archive September 2024
All of the articles archived for the month that you have specified are displayed below.
2024 Mike McNeil Scholarship Winners Announced
- By: Angela Westhoff
- On: 09/26/2024 13:03:43
- In: Announcements/Reminders
- Alexis Braley, Glenburn, ME
- Whitney Cote, S. Portland, ME
- Madeline Duffy, N. Waterboro, ME
- Melody Felbaum, Saco, ME
- Amelia Freeman, Jay, ME
- Isabelle Harvey, Portland, ME
- Phoebe Peckenham, Orland, ME
- Jessica Salazar, Windham, ME
- Tiana Salazar, Windham, ME
- Jo-Ellen Strout, South Paris, ME
To be eligible for the program, candidates pursuing post-secondary education must be an employee, immediate family member of an employee, or a volunteer affiliated with an MHCA-member nursing home or assisted living facility. Eligible fields of study include nursing, physical or occupational therapy, speech pathology, social work, activities, and food service. Applicants must submit a comprehensive application, including a biography, essays, and letters of reference. Above all, applicants must demonstrate their future commitment to the long term care community.
“We are pleased to be a partner in continuing education in long term care during a time when staff recruitment and retention is so important. Thousands of Maine's elderly and disabled citizens rely on caregivers for quality care and comfort. It is gratifying to see the level of commitment these recipients have made to the long term care communities they serve and it is our privilege to assist them in achieving their educational goals,” noted Angela Westhoff, MHCA President/ CEO.
The Fund is named in honor of McNeil, a co-founding Principal of the distinguished certified public accounting and financial management firm, BerryDunn. The Fund was established to commemorate McNeil’s retirement, after thirty years of providing financial expertise and counsel to Maine long term care facilities. Since its inception in 2007, the Fund has supported 128 students with scholarships totaling $78,250.
Staff contact:
Confirm Your Sponsorship for the 2024 Excellence in Long Term Care Awards Event by October 3!
- By: Dianne Chicoine
- On: 09/26/2024 11:01:08
- In: Special Events
We are seeking sponsors this year's Excellence in LTC Awards Event being held at Thomas College in Waterville on Thursday, November 14. To appear in the event booklet, please sponsor by October 3. Our thanks and appreciation to those that have already sponsored!
Sponsorship categories are:
Sponsorship categories are:
Breakfast / $3,000
(can be divided into $1,000/3 sponsors)
Live Stream / $1,800
(can be divided into $900/2 sponsors)
Awards / $1,200
(can be divided into $600/2 sponsors)
Program Book / $1,000
(can be divided into $500/2 sponsors)
Music / $450
SOLD MHCA Workers' Comp Fund
SOLD MHCA Workers' Comp Fund
Winner Gifts / $400
SOLD Dirigo Pines
SOLD Dirigo Pines
Flowers / $300
All sponsors' logos will appear in the program book, on table cards at the celebration, and will be featured in the live stream broadcast on YouTube.
If you have any questions, please contact Dianne Chicoine at either or 207.623.1146, ext. 201.
Staff Contact:
Mike McNeil Scholarship Fund Golf Tournament - Chance to Win $10,000 for a Hole in One!
- By: Dianne Chicoine
- On: 09/26/2024 07:05:53
- In: Special Events
We have extended the deadline to register for the Mike McNeil Scholarship Fund’s annual Golf Tournament Scholarship Fundraiser to October 1. Come out and support the Mike McNeil Scholarship Fund at its annual fundraising golf tournament on October 15, 2024, at the Samoset Resort, Rockport, Maine. Prizes will be awarded for individuals and teams PLUS a chance to win $10,000 for a Hole in One!
The Mike McNeil Scholarship Fund promotes careers in long term care through scholarships for individuals affiliated with MHCA long term care facilities. Scholarships are open to MHCA member facility employees, their immediate family members and volunteers wishing to pursue post-secondary education and training in the areas of Nursing, Physical or Occupational Therapy, Speech Pathology, Social Work, Activities and Food Service. To date, the Fund has awarded $78,250 to more than 128 students pursuing careers in long term care.
For more information, register to play and/or sponsor the event, click here. Don't have a team? MHCA will pair you with other golfers.
Questions? Contact Dianne Chicoine, Tournament Coordinator ( or 207.623.1146, ext. 201)
Staff contact:
Fall Conference Registration Deadline - October 1st!
- By: Maureen Booth
- On: 09/25/2024 20:39:45
- In: Special Events
After October 1st, registration will only be available onsite, and you'll incur an additional $35 late registration fee. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to connect with fellow professionals and enhance your skills. We look forward to seeing you there—register today!
2024 Excellence in Long Term Care Honorees Announced
- By: Ben Hawkins
- On: 09/25/2024 04:33:49
- In: Workforce
- Rebecca King
- Natasha Jackson
- Kim Cummings
- Carol Roy
- Stephanie Grant
- Elizabeth Carson
- Kenny Ireland
- Mallory MacDonald
- Siera Desjardins
- Kim Tahinicioglu
- Erin Finch
- Joanne Orr
- Heather Allisot
- Keith Smith
- Donna Spencer
- Regina Ramirez
- Theresa Townsend
- Paula Gendreau
- Brittany Cote
- Lynn Marcroft
Staff contact:
Revised Advanced Beneficiary Notice (ABN)
- By: Maureen Carland
- On: 09/23/2024 10:57:01
- In: Quality/Regulatory
SNFs must issue a notice to Original Medicare (FFS) beneficiaries in order to transfer potential financial liability before the SNF provides:
- An item or service that is usually paid for by Medicare, but may not be paid for in this particular instance because it is not medically reasonable and necessary; or
- Custodial care.
For Part A items and services: SNFs use the SNF ABN as the liability notice.
The SNF ABN provides information to the patient so they can decide whether or not to get the care that may not be paid for by Medicare. They would assume financial responsibility. SNFs must use the SNF ABN when applicable for SNF Prospective Payment System services (Medicare Part A). It is important to note that the SNF ABN, CMS-10055, is only issued if the beneficiary intends to continue services and the SNF believes the services may not be covered under Medicare. SNFs will continue to use the ABN Form CMS-R-131 when applicable for Medicare Part B items and services.
For Part B items and services: SNFs use the separate Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (ABN), Form CMS-R-131. The ABN and information on this notice can be found here.
The revised SNF ABN form is available for immediate use, and it becomes mandatory for Medicare Part A services on October 31, 2024.
Questions regarding the SNF ABN or ABN can be submitted to the CMS Division of Appeals Policy.
Staff contact;
QIO Facility Assessment Tool
- By: Maureen Carland
- On: 09/23/2024 09:02:52
- In: Quality/Regulatory
The Facility Assessment Tool is an optional template designed to assist facilities in evaluating their operations. It provides a framework for gathering and organizing key information relevant to compliance, but it must be customized to reflect the unique characteristics and needs of each center. Facilities are encouraged to adapt and modify the tool to capture their specific data, staffing levels, resident populations, and other operational details.
CMS has made it clear that there is no obligation for nursing homes to adopt this tool. It is provided purely as a voluntary resource, and facilities have the flexibility to determine how best to meet the facility assessment requirements mandated by CMS. Ultimately, the tool serves as a helpful guide, but its use is not required, nor does it alone ensure that a facility will meet the regulatory compliance standards set forth by CMS. Facilities are responsible for ensuring that all compliance measures are met through whichever methods they find most effective.
Staff contact:
A Discussion on Supporting Culture Change and Staffing Stability in Nursing Homes
- By: Ben Hawkins
- On: 09/19/2024 15:26:09
- In: Workforce
You must register in advance for this webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. If you require an accommodation to participate in this event, please contact
Do you have an experience related to advancing culture change in your nursing facility that you’d like to share? A great success? A specific challenge you’re still working to overcome? Email if you would like to share your story during the Listening Session.
Click here to view the event flyer.
This is being sent to nursing facility administrators and directors of nursing. Please feel welcome to register and forward it to anyone on your team.
Staff contact:
Congressional Republicans Say They Won’t Force Vote to Overturn CMS Staffing Mandate
- By: Angela Westhoff
- On: 09/19/2024 13:23:33
- In: Legislative/Government Affairs
The CRA is just one of several ways Congress can demonstrate to the Biden administration that “this unrealistic staffing mandate is misguided and should be repealed,” said Clif Porter, incoming president and CEO of the American Health Care Association/National Center for Assisted Living, on Wednesday.
“Both Republicans and Democrats have voiced their opposition to the mandate because it will severely limit access to care for our nation’s seniors,” Porter told McKnight’s Long-Term Care News. “We remain optimistic and focused on ultimately stopping the mandate and furthering more productive ways to strengthen the long term care workforce.”
Read the full article here.
Staff contact:
MHCA Annual Membership Meeting to Be Held on September 26th at 4 pm
- By: Angela Westhoff
- On: 09/19/2024 13:22:28
- In: Announcements/Reminders
An electronic ballot will be sent via email at the start of the Annual Meeting to all administrators of record or designated voters. Letter of Designation/Authorization Form must be returned by 3:00 PM on September 26, 2024 (see below).
The MHCA Nominating Committee has recommended the following individuals for officer positions on the Board of Directors:
- Chair: Michael Tyler, Managing Partner, Sandy River Company / Related North Country-Joint Ventures
- Vice-Chair: Philip Jean, CEO, Piper Shores
- Secretary/ Treasurer: Courtney Freeman, Regional Director of Operations, Stroudwater Lodge
The Nominating Committee has also recommended the following four (4) individuals for election for three (3) positions on the MHCA Board of Directors:
- Sarah O’Sullivan, Director of Sales, Scarborough Terrace
- Ericka Saucier, Administrator, Mercy Home
- Megan Stevenson, Administrator, National Health Care Assoc.
- Meghan Welch, Market President, Genesis
Following the MHCA Annual Meeting, MHCA Business Services will hold its annual meeting.
- Peter Davison from Horizons Living and Rehab Center has been nominated for re-election to a two-year term.
- Andrea Otis-Higgins from First Atlantic Healthcare is running as an additional director for a two-year term.
Important Announcement: Letters of Designation/Authorization for Voting:
Applicable to: Administrators who are unable to attend and would like to designate a member of their staff to vote on their behalf OR corporate officer/owner who is planning to vote on behalf of all owned/managed facilities. See Bylaws article III, section 7 below.
Letter of Designation/Authorization Form must be returned by 3:00 PM on September 26, 2024 (see Bylaws section below).
You may fax (207-623-4080) or email your Letter of Designation/Authorization to either me ( or Lori Vigue (, our Administrative Support Specialist.
Letters must include the following:
• Corporation Name
• Designated Voter Name
• Complete list of facilities
• Authorized Signature
Article III - Member, Section 7. Meetings.
Every member entitled to vote must do so in person or through their designated representative. Proxy votes will not be accepted. For purposes of voting the designated owner or administrator may vote for more than one facility/agency, only if they are the designated owner or administrator of record for more than one facility/agency. The designated owner or administrator may authorize and designate in writing an alternative representative to the president/chief executive officer at least one (1) hour prior to the exercise of the voting privilege, in order for the credentials committee to properly certify the validity of the document presented. The alternative representative or designated representative must have a formal affiliation with the facility/agency, either by ownership or employment status. For the purposes of this section, formal affiliation may be interpreted as employed on a full¬-time basis directly by the individual member facility/agency or employed on a full-time basis by the corporate owner of the facility/agency, or as a director or a majority stockholder of the owner corporation. The decision of the credentials committee shall be binding.
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