Archive November 2024
All of the articles archived for the month that you have specified are displayed below.
Important Update for NAB Exam Candidates!
- By: Maureen Booth
- On: 11/27/2024 12:01:49
- In: Education
This means that examinations will be temporarily unavailable from December 15, 2024 - January 2, 2025 while NAB updates their website and transitions to the new vendor. Examinations will resume on January 3, 2025, with Pearson VUE.
For more information on the temporary unavailability of exams, important dates, and additional testing info, please see NAB's notification on their website here.
December Updates StrengthenME- Grant Extension, Holiday Support
- By: Ben Hawkins
- On: 11/27/2024 11:52:17
- In: Workforce
INDIVIDUAL WORK/LIFE COACHING: Access 1:1 confidential coaching with a licensed mental health counselor to assist with stress and to explore coping skills, wellness options and resilience strategies. Up to six 50-minute sessions, conducted via Zoom or Telephone.
WELLNESS WORKSHOPS & TRAININGS**: Join one of our workshops offered weekly on a range of topics including: Beating Holiday Stress, Uncomfortable Conversations, Managing Overwhelm and more! Visit our website for more information or to join one of our statewide virtual trainings or workshops, no registration required. Accessible here: Healthy Life EAP - StrengthenME
FACILITATED GROUP DISCUSSIONS: Gather your work team together for a discussion about how group members are coping with stressors and what support they need from each other. A professional consultant facilitates the conversation and provides psycho-education around stress management.
**In addition to the services offered above, please know we can tailor our trainings and groups to your unique organizational and team needs. We currently have StrengthenME funding for these and other support services through June 2025, so now is the time to call us!
Staff contact:
Significant Revision to Survey Process
- By: Maureen Carland
- On: 11/24/2024 12:32:23
- In: Quality/Regulatory
Surveyors will use this guidance to determine compliance with requirements beginning February 24, 2025.
Key Changes Include:
Admission, Transfer, and Discharge
- Removal of F-tags F622 – F625 and F660 – F661.
- Addition of new citations: Inappropriate Transfers and Discharges (F627) and Transfer and Discharge Process (F628).
- F758 (unnecessary psychotropic use) incorporated into F605 and revised.
- F757 now covers only non-psychotropic medication guidance.
- Updates to the Critical Element Pathway for unnecessary medications, including new investigative elements.
- Revised guidance for F658 (Professional Standards) regarding antipsychotic medication diagnoses.
- Clarification added to F841 (Medical Director Responsibilities).
- Facility medical director interviews incorporated into pathways for Unnecessary Medications and Quality Assurance & Performance Improvement (QAPI).
- F642 (Coordination/Certification of Assessment) deleted; references relocated to F641 (Accuracy of Assessment).
- New instructions for investigating MDS assessment accuracy and addressing insufficient documentation for antipsychotic medications.
- Updated language to align self-care and mobility activity levels with MDS Section GG.
- Added guidance addressing health equity concerns.
- Updated CPR certification standards to align with current national guidelines.
- Revisions to guidance on acute, chronic, and subacute pain, incorporating updated CDC definitions.
- Expanded resource links on opioid use.
- Emphasis on individualized opioid treatment plans, including immediate-release options.
- Facilities approved for construction or certified after November 28, 2016, may meet bedroom and bathroom requirements with two single-occupancy rooms and one shared bathroom without major renovations.
- Added guidance on Enhanced Barrier Precautions (EBP) and new deficiency examples.
- Integrated education requirements for residents and staff from CMS Memo QSO-21-19-NH into Appendix PP.
AHCA and MHCA will continue to review the updates in detail and will provide more detailed information and education on the changes.
Staff contact:
Free Behavioral Health Resources and Consultation for Nursing Homes
- By: Maureen Carland
- On: 11/24/2024 12:16:22
- In: Quality/Regulatory
The COE-NF released new toolkits. These include:
De-Escalation Strategies In-Service Toolkit
The de-escalation toolkit aims to equip staff with the knowledge and techniques necessary to prevent escalating behaviors and enhance safety.
Substance Use Disorder In-Service Toolkit
The substance use disorder (SUD) toolkit is used to equip staff with knowledge and skills related to the disease concept of substance use, the impact substances use in nursing homes.
To learn more about services offered in Maine to Nursing Homes contact: Steven Shaw
Staff contact:
Reminder: Assisted Housing Proposed Rulemaking Written Comments Due November 25th at 5:00 PM
- By: Ben Hawkins
- On: 11/21/2024 14:02:41
- In: Legislative/Government Affairs
The open comment period ends on Monday, November 25th at 5:00 pm. Written comments can be submitted online here or you can email them to DLC Compliance Analyst Jonathan Leach at:
The current proposed rule change is a complete repeal and replacement of the existing rules in force. These are major substantive rule changes so the legislature will also have an opportunity to review and approve or amend. We have included a one page overview of the rule for lawmakers. Feel free to contact your representative and senator.
MHCA Resources to help you in developing written comments: Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
Staff contact:
Improving Communication for Infection Prevention
- By: Maureen Carland
- On: 11/21/2024 10:57:44
- In: Quality/Regulatory
Implementation and Next Steps:
The goal is statewide implementation of the tool by January 1, 2025, though facilities can start sooner. Facilities are encouraged to adopt the form, create supporting protocols, and train staff to use it effectively. The form and additional resources are available on the Maine CDC website.
For assistance, contact Maine CDC’s Healthcare-Associated Infections Program at . This collaborative effort aims to improve communication, prevent infections, and protect patient and resident health.
Staff contact:
Update: AAPACN RAC-CT Training Cancellation
- By: Maureen Booth
- On: 11/20/2024 13:17:16
- In: Education
Due to low registration numbers, the AAPACN RAC-CT training scheduled for December 4-6, 2024, has been cancelled. We hope to offer this program again in the Spring. If you have any questions, please contact Maureen Booth at
Maine Department of Labor to Hold New Paid Family & Medical Leave Portal Webinars
- By: Ben Hawkins
- On: 11/19/2024 17:15:25
- In: Workforce
The Department partnered with FAST Enterprises to build the portal, which will allow employers to register their business information with the Maine Paid Family and Medical Leave Program, file quarterly wage reports and remit contributions, and to apply for private plan substitutions when eligible. The system will also provide the opportunity for self-employed individuals and tribal governments to opt into coverage from the Paid Family and Medical Leave program.
Employer webinar:
The employer-focused webinar will take place on December 3 from 12 p.m.-1 p.m.
The employer webinar will focus on what employers need to know about the Paid Leave Portal. Staff from the PFML program will moderate the session and provide an overview about the important aspects of the Portal such as how to register, file wage reports and remit premiums.
Register for the employer webinar here.
Third-Party Administrator webinar:
The third-party based webinar will take place on December 10 from 12 p.m.-1 p.m.
This webinar will focus on what TPA's need to know about the Paid Leave Portal. Staff from the PFML program will moderate the session and provide an overview about the important aspects of the Portal such as how to register, file wage reports, remit premiums and request third party access.
Register for the third-party administrator webinar here.
FAST Enterprises previously worked with Maine Revenue Services to create the Maine Tax Portal, as well as the contribution collections system for the Massachusetts Department of Family and Medical Leave.
Payroll contributions begin January 1, 2025, and benefits are scheduled to begin May 1, 2026.
To keep up to date on Maine Paid Family and Medical Leave, visit
Staff contact:
With Federal Overtime Rule Blocked, Maine Minimum Salary Threshold will be $43,951 for 2025
- By: Ben Hawkins
- On: 11/19/2024 15:33:34
- In: Legislative/Government Affairs
The Maine minimum salary threshold for exempting a worker from overtime pay must exceed 3,000 times the State's minimum wage or the annualized rate established by the US Department of Labor, whichever is higher.
The new federal rule that would have increased the salary threshold was recently blocked by court action. Therefore, starting January 1, 2025 the new minimum salary threshold in Maine will be $845.21 per week, or $43,951 per year.
This is only one of the factors used in determining whether a worker is exempt from overtime pay under federal or state law. An individual can earn more than the minimum salary threshold and still be eligible for overtime. The duties of each worker must be considered as part of this analysis.
The minimum wage and overtime law can be found here:
The Department also has more information available on its website at
Other Labor Law Reminders for January:
Paid Family and Medical Leave Registration & Contributions
Beginning January 1, 2025, employers with employees in Maine will be required to register on the new Paid Family and Medical Leave Portal, and begin payroll contributions.
The Maine Department of Labor is inviting employers and third-party administrators to December webinars that will focus on what they need to know about the new Paid Family and Medical Leave online contributions portal before they need to register in January.
Benefits are scheduled to begin May 1, 2026.
To keep up to date on Maine Paid Family and Medical Leave, register for webinars, and see the answers to frequently asked questions, visit
Maine's Minimum Wage to Increase to $14.65 Per Hour in 2025
Pursuant to Maine law (Maine statute Title 26, chapter 7, section 664), effective January 1, 2025, the state minimum wage will increase from $14.15 to $14.65 per hour, based on data by the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics. Maine law, amended by citizens referendum in 2016, requires annual adjustments to the minimum wage based on the cost-of-living index (CPI-W) for the Northeast Region. Between August 2023 and August 2024, there was a 3.6 percent increase in the CPI-W.
In addition to the minimum wage, the new "tip wage," or service employee minimum wage, in 2025 will be $7.33 per hour. This means that service employees must receive at least a direct cash wage of $7.33 per hour from the employer. The employer must be able to show that the employee receives at least the minimum wage of $14.65 per hour when the direct wage and tips are combined at the end of the week. The amount of tips necessary to qualify as a service employee will increase from $179 per month to $185 per month.
Employers can download the required minimum wage poster at no cost on the Department's website:
Staff contact:
CMS Mandatory Off-Cycle Revalidation Deadline EXTENDED
- By: Maureen Carland
- On: 11/19/2024 08:37:55
- In: Quality/Regulatory
Per CMS: CMS is revalidating enrolled skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) to collect data on ownership, managerial, and related party information. Your Medicare Administrative Contractor will send you a revalidation notice. SNFs will have until May 1, 2025, to submit their revalidation.
Click here for further guidance form AHCA NCAL
Staff contact: