Important Notice Regarding MaineCare Eligibility Redeterminations
- By: Ben Hawkins
- On: 03/09/2023 10:53:26
- In: State Agency News
Starting April 1, 2023, MaineCare redeterminations and normal eligibility requirements will be in effect, and all members must complete a renewal to determine their eligibility for MaineCare.
The State of Maine is responsible for reviewing the eligibility of everyone enrolled in MaineCare and disenrolling individuals who are no longer eligible. This process is known as "unwinding" and must be completed by the due date provided in the renewal form.
Information and materials related to the unwinding of the Continuous Coverage Requirement, can be found at Here you will find a recording of a recently held webinar along with Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the unwinding.
What can you do to prepare? Homes should work closely with Mainecare reciepents and/or their responsible parties to ensure these residents' contact information is correct. The Office of Family Independence (OFI) must have their current contact information, including address, mobile phone, and email to ensure that recipients get important notices, texts and emails. MaineCare recipients, or their responsible parties, can confirm or change their contact information by logging into My Maine Connection or calling 1-855-797-4357.
MHCA and Leading Age are providing a list of all long term care providers contact information to send to MaineCare who will then use this contact information to send a facility specific list of recipients in their care with redetermination due dates to better assist long term care providers in ensuring residents are providing all necessary information to MaineCare to redetermine eligibility status. Recipient redetermination due dates will be in the month of their initial determination date.
In addition to the list sent to each facility, MaineCare will also send a letter to each recipient, their personal representative, and the care center notifying them of the specific due date and renewal forms. DHHS will send letters in a blue striped envelope when it is time to renew. If it's blue, it's time to renew! Recipient/Responsible party must complete and return the renewal form by mail or complete online at
The renewal form must be submitted before the due date to continue the redetermination process. Once MaineCare receives the renewal form, they will work with the responsible party and the care center to obtain the needed documentation for redetermination during the next 60 days.
After the redetermination is made, the resident, the responsible party, and the care center will be informed. It is important to note that the eligibility requirements for MaineCare have not changed. This is a resumption of the pre-pandemic process.
For more information visit the DHHS Continuous Coverage Requirement website here or call the Office of Family Independence at 1-855-797-4357.
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