Event Calendar

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Psychosocial Harm: Assessment, Process, Practice & Survey (W24051)

Start Date: 5/22/2024 1:00 PM EDT
End Date: 5/29/2024 2:30 PM EDT

Venue Name: Virtual (via Zoom)

Organization Name: Maine Health Care Association

Lori Vigue
Email: lvigue@mehca.org
Phone: (207) 623-1146

Psychosocial Harm:  Assessment, Process, Practice & Survey
Since the 2016 implementation of CMS Requirements of Participation (RoP), there has been a growing emphasis among regulators related to “psychosocial harm and well-being” of long-term care residents.  In October 2022, the revised Surveyor Guidance followed suit by adding several references to the psychosocial outcome severity guide (Appendix P) to sections related to resident rights, quality of life, and others.  It should come as no surprise that, in the last five years, a growing number of facilities have received immediate jeopardy citations for psychosocial harm.

In this two-part series, Cat Selman will review the Psychosocial Outcome Severity Guide, requirements that are impacted by this new survey focus, and the revised Surveyor Guidance. In addition, Cat will revisit the psychsocial assessment (resources and process), review how it connects to care plan development, and provide recommendations and best practices related to care planning, documentation and staff training.

Join us to ensure that your team has the knowledge, skills, resources and training necessary to ensure the health and psychsocial well-being of residents in your care.
Educator. Motivator. Communicator. Consultant. Author...Catherine R. “Cat” Selman, BS, uses her dynamic personality and compelling presence to spread the message of positive, realistic, and common-sense strategies for aging service professionals. She is President and Co-owner of The Cat Selman Company, specializing in continuing education for healthcare professionals. Ms. Selman received her degree from Trevecca Nazarene University, with continued graduate work at the University of Southern Mississippi. She was a Corporate Management Consultant for 101 nursing homes in 7 states. With over 35 years’ experience in management, education and consultation, Cat has trained providers and surveyors in all 50 states. Since 1989, she has been asked by CMS to serve on  stakeholder/ expert panels responsible for revisions to surveyor guidance and compliance issues. Cat participated in a CMS Expert Panel responsible for some of the Surveyor Guidance that is now included in the current CMS RoP and she continues to train State agencies and surveyors in care planning, requirements, process, documentation, and compliance. In demand, and on topic, she is considered an authority in aging services.
Program Date: 
May 22 & 29, 2024 (CHANGE IN DATE: The May 23 date has been changed to May 29).
Program Time:
1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
MHCA Member:  $99
Non-Member:  $169

Web Platform:
MHCA will use the ZOOM platform to conduct this webinar. If you’re new to Zoom, we encourage you to visit their Help Desk to learn more about system requirements and preview their free “how to” videos.
Zoom Link:
A week prior, MHCA will invite all registered participants to complete the form required to register for the Zoom webinar.  Once complete, confirmation will be sent to the email you provided, which will include instructions for obtaining handouts and your link to join the session on the day of the program.
To earn a Certificate, you must join the meeting using the link provided. In lieu of sign-in sheets, we will rely on the Attendee Report provided by the webinar platform (which documents attendee contact information and webinar join/end times). After the series is complete, and attendance verified, certificates will be issued to all eligible participants.
For a printable flyer:  Click Here
To register:  Click Here
To review MHCA's education policies: Click Here 


Online Registration

Registration is Closed
Closed: 5/22/2024 12:00 PM

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