Event Calendar

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Web Series: The "New Normal" for Infection Control in Assisted Housing

Start Date: 6/22/2022 9:00 AM EDT
End Date: 6/23/2022 11:30 AM EDT

Venue Name: Virtual - Zoom

ME  United States 

Organization Name: MHCA

Ashley Ellis
Email: aellis@mehca.org
Phone: (207) 623-1146

The "New Normal" for Infection Control in Assisted Housing
In June 2021, the State of Maine passed new rules requiring that Assisted Living programs governed by 10-144 CMR Chapter 113 (Regulations Governing the Licensing and Functioning of Assisted Housing Program) must establish minimum standards for infection prevention and control. These standards include establishment, implementation, and maintenance of an Infection Prevention and Control Plan (IPCP) to control the transmission of infectious diseases amongst residents, staff, visitors, and other individuals providing services under a contractual arrangement. In addition, the facility must employ or contract with a person with certification or training in IPC to oversee the development and implementation of the IPCP.
This unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic presented challenges for communities as they work to ensure adequate protections and follow state/federal recommendations. MHCA has created this two-day, web-based educational program and corresponding toolkit (with infection prevention policy templates) specifically to support assisted housing providers in these efforts. The content aligns with CMS infection prevention practices, CDC guidance on outbreaks and surveillance and infection prevention best practices. Topics include infection control and reducing risk, standard and other type precautions, personal protective equipment, department-specific procedures, COVID-19 policies and procedures, and more.  
Danielle Watford has dedicated her career to the improvement and sustainability of Maine long term care providers. Currently serving as the Director of Quality Improvement and Regulatory Affairs for Maine Health Care Association, she has committed to serving as a resource for providers with an expertise in quality improvement, regulatory application, and advocacy. She holds a master's degree in both clinical psychology and industrial organizational psychology and has served as a nursing home and assisted living resource. Ms. Watford has sixteen years’ experience in long term care quality with an expertise in QAPI implementation, LTC quality measures, and an overwhelming and somewhat twisted love of data and data reporting strategies. She is LEAN SIX SIGMA green belted and is certified as a Manager of Quality in the category of Organizational Excellence.

To view the program flyer, please click here
To register, please click here 


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