
Legislative Activities:

MHCA continues to be the leading voice of facility-based long term care at the Maine Legislature. Whether it’s testifying at a public hearing, answering questions at a work session, or meeting with key legislators, MHCA is present and engaged in the issues affecting your business. With the input and guidance of MHCA’s Board of Directors, the association sets legislative strategies and goals consistent with member needs and operations. MHCA develops its own bills as necessary and tracks others of interest during the Legislative session.

Grassroots Advocacy:

MHCA’s grassroots advocacy program plays a major role in our legislative success. Through our legislative communication staple, the Action Alert, we mobilize our membership network as needed during the busy legislative session. These alerts explain what is happening at the legislature in the moment and what we need to do about it. We include sensible talking points and legislative contact lists. Legislative sessions run for a two-year cycle, and MHCA provides each member with grassroots resources with customized information on who their legislators are based on facility location.

Members are encouraged to update MHCA on their grassroots efforts by contacting Ben Hawkins or filling out this quick form.

AHCA/NCAL is on Your Side in Washington, D.C.:

The American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL) is your national affiliate, dedicated to providing legislative, regulatory, and educational services, as well as information on federal issues affecting long term care. AHCA/NCAL works with the U.S. Congress, the Administration, federal regulatory agencies, and national stakeholders on your behalf. MHCA staff and members participate annually in AHCA/NCAL's Congressional Briefing, an event that brings providers from all over the country together in Washington, D.C. to meet with our elected officials on Capitol Hill.


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