Workforce Development

Workforce Development Must be a Priority:

MHCA knows that recruitment and retention of direct care workers is a top concern for members. An increasing demand for services due to an aging population and a declining supply of individuals seeking careers in this profession are factors responsible for the workforce challenges faced by our members. It will take a significant effort to attract, recruit and retain skilled workers to meet future demands and MHCA is dedicated to supporting members in their efforts to find and train quality staff. Learn more about the Association's workforce development offerings and how they might be of use to you.

MHCA Workforce Development Committee:

  • Increasing the number of nurses and nurse educators
  • Attracting workers from other states
  • Securing reimbursement for training and education

Job Board:

The Job Board is a free resource for MHCA members to post open staff positions. Learn More.

Mike McNeil Scholarship Fund:

The Mike McNeil Scholarship Fund awards education scholarships for professionals in clinical, medical, and administrative positions in long term care. Learn More.
Staff Contact: 
Director of Public Affairs



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