MHCA is proud to support and advocate on behalf of Maine’s skilled nursing and assisted living facilities. With the current changes in healthcare, MHCA has embraced the use of improved technologies to provide members with access to comprehensive quality improvement programs, tools and resources for regulatory guidance. By using remote and virtual methods to interact with our members we hope to bridge the gap between our urban and rural communities in order to represent our member interests with the many regulatory bodies that govern and affect facility operations. We are committed to be the key resource to assist our members in their pursuit of quality outcomes and excellence.
Reporting Clostridium Difficile via NHSN
Starting July 1, 2023, nursing facilities in Maine will need to comply with a new health care quality reporting requirement under 90-590 CMR Rule Chapter 270 – Uniform Reporting System for Health Care Quality Data Sets. As per the regulations, each nursing facility will need to submit quarterly data to the MHDO on Clostridium difficile events for all facility-wide residents, following the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) specifications. Additionally, each health care facility (including nursing facilities) will be required to authorize the MHDO to have access to the NHSN for facility-specific reports of data submitted for any healthcare-associated infection measure under a state or federal mandate, for the purpose of public reporting. For a copy of the recent education to assist you in complying with this regulation, click here.
Technical Assistance and In-Service Education for direct care providers
MHCA, in response to member request has developed several learning modules that can be provided to you as a member benefit on site or virtually based on your preference. Topics are constantly being added and can be accessed by contacting Danielle Watford.
Regulatory Committee
MHCA Board Regulatory Committee emphasizes and supports quality for MHCA members throughout the state and serves as a liaison between MHCA and agencies of the State of Maine and the federal government involved in regulatory change.
AHCA/NCAL Quality Awards Program
MHCA supports members who participate in the AHCA/NCAL National Quality Award Program based on the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Health Care Criteria. This program is designed to recognize skilled nursing and assisted living facilities who show a distinct commitment to quality improvement and resident care.
QAPI (Quality Assurance Performance Improvement)
QAPI is the coordinated application of two mutually-reinforcing aspects of a quality management system: Quality Assurance (QA) and Performance Improvement (PI). QAPI takes a systematic, comprehensive, and data-driven approach to maintaining and improving safety and quality in nursing homes.
Five Star Rating System
CMS created the Five-Star Quality Rating System to help consumers, their families, and caregivers compare nursing homes more easily and to help identify areas about which you may want to ask questions.
Emergency Preparedness
MHCA supports our members as they continue to serve their communities as strongholds during disasters while caring for the most vulnerable.
PBJ (Payment-Based Journal)
MHCA supports members to accurately and effectively report staffing information to CMS as this information is publicly viewable on Nursing Home Compare and is used in the Nursing Home Five Star Quality Rating System to help consumers understand the level and differences of staffing in nursing homes.
Regulatory Agency Links
MHCA is committed to supporting our members through collaborative efforts with regulatory authorities in order to best represent their interests. In addition, we strive to be up to date on agency requirements that our members face and be a resource for analysis and outreach on their behalf.
Behavioral Health
Maximus has been awarded the contract with the State of Maine’s Department of Health and Human Services to provide a Behavioral Health Utilization Management System. Assessments are completed by this agency (formerly done by Kepro). Maximus can be reached at 1-833-525-5784.