Holiday Message from CEO:
- By: Angela Westhoff
- On: 12/22/2022 12:29:03
- In: Announcements/Reminders
With the ongoing staffing and funding challenges, we are keenly aware of the continued strain on long term care providers. As we approach the upcoming legislative session, MHCA has a robust legislative agenda and will be educating newly elected officials and fiercely advocating for increased resources and regulatory changes. I highly encourage you to engage with your local senators and representatives, share your stories and even invite them for a facility tour. We have tip sheets on our website to guide you, and as always, please reach out with any questions so we can assist you.
2023 will be another year of change, with opportunities for transformation and hopefully our year for some recovery!
From all of us at MHCA, we wish you a very happy holiday season!
With gratitude,