MHCA Legislative Update for February 16
- By: Angela Westhoff
- On: 02/15/2023 16:41:08
- In: Legislative/Government Affairs
MHCA also asked the Committee for an extension on the use of the current $25 million in supplemental payments to be used through June 30, 2024 so if approved both allocations will be available to facilities to use through June 30, 2024.
LD 206 was voted out Ought to Pass as Amended. This is an emergency bill so with a 2/3 vote of each chamber, the bill would take effect the date of the Governor signs it. MHCA will keep members updated on this.
Public hearings on the Biennial Budget (LD 258) are already underway. Sections pertaining to long term care are scheduled for Wednesday, February 22nd (subject to change).
On February 14, the Health and Human Services Committee held work sessions on two bills of note to long term care providers. LD 99, An Act to Clarify the Allowable Temperature Range in Certain Long-term Care Facilities was voted out Ought Not to Pass with a report back to the committee by January 2024. The Division of Licensing and Certification will be tracking resident complaints on temperature and will report back to the Committee.
The committee also held a work session on LD 251, A Resolve, to Classify Employee Health Insurance as a Fixed Cost for MaineCare Reimbursement in Nursing Facilities. The bill was tabled in anticipation of additional bills coming before the committee dealing with long term care rate reform.
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