
Legislative Update

At the end of March, the Legislature passed a continuing services budget. Included in that budget was baseline funding for long term care and cost of living increases (COLA). A Supplemental budget is anticipated in the next few weeks and as details emerge on opportunities to seek additional funding, we will keep members updated. 
Next week, we will testify in support of LD 1474 Resolve, Directing the Department of Health and Human Services to Expedite Reimbursement of Nursing Facilities. This bill originates from MHCA's Legislative Committee and would require the Department of Health and Human Services to amend its rules in Chapter 101: MaineCare Benefits Manual, Chapter III, Section 67, Principles of Reimbursement for Nursing Facilities, to require the department to reimburse at least 75% of a nursing facility's costs pursuant to the facility's cost reports within 90 days of receipt. 
We will also monitor and testify on other bills. Two work sessions scheduled for next week that MHCA previously testified on are LD 781, An Act to Protect Nursing Home Residents by Requiring Nursing Homes to Provide Silent Bed Alarms for Residents with Dementia, and LD 1099, An Act to Protect Vulnerable Populations in Residential Facilities from Extended Power Outages.

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