
Information for MaineCare Providers Regarding the End of the Public Health Emergency

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government declared a PHE and relaxed certain requirements to ensure Medicaid members could continue to access healthcare services. The federal government has declared that the PHE will end on May 11, 2023.  

Starting May 12, 2023, some billing flexibilities and how MaineCare members access health care services will revert to how they were administered prior to the declaration of the PHE.  

The Department of Health and Human Services is working to update their COVID-19 and End of PHE webpage with current information concerning the end of the PHE and will send notifications as they make updates.  

They have recently added or updated the website.  

To support MaineCare providers through this transitional period, MaineCare developed a provider-only e-mail box to submit questions related to the end of the PHE.

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