
Legislative Update

The next phase of the budgeting process has begun. Governor Janet Mills announced the highlights of her proposed change package.
On Wednesday, May 10, MHCA testified in support of LD 1784 Resolve, to Improve Access to Appropriate Levels of Long-term Care by Rebasing and Increasing Reimbursement Rates, LD 1785 Resolve, to Establish the Blue Ribbon Commission to Make Recommendations to Update Laws Governing the Continuum of Long-term Care Options, and LD 1827 An Act to Prevent Closures and Ensure Sustainability of Nursing Facilities, Private Nonmedical Institutions and Residential Care Facilities by Removing So-called Budget Neutrality.
On Thursday, the Health and Human Services Committee held its work session LD 1575 An Act to Promote Quality and Innovation in Nursing and Residential Care Facilities. MHCA previously testified against this bill as it proposes to sunset the current rate system before a new one is ready. After continued conversations with the Department of Health and Human Services, the HHS Committee voted to carry over the bill into the 2024 legislative session. A big thank you to the advocates who answered our Action Alert and contacted the legislators. 

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