Homes Across Maine Celebrate National Skilled Nursing Care Week
- By: Ben Hawkins
- On: 05/25/2023 13:46:17
- In: Special Events
Established in 1967 by AHCA, National Skilled Nursing Care Week (NSNCW) celebrates the essential role that skilled nursing care centers play in providing high quality 24-hour nursing care to millions of America's seniors and individuals with disabilities.
This year's NSNCW theme—Cultivating Kindness—is inspired by the many acts of kindness that happen in skilled nursing care centers every day. Research has found that practicing compassion and kindness not only can improve health and well-being but can also strengthen human connections and bonds.
Below are a few photos that a few members posted in celebration of the big week.

Mount Joseph at Waterville

Below are a few photos that a few members posted in celebration of the big week.

Mount Joseph at Waterville

Seaside Skilled Rehabilitation Center