
Last chance to register for the NHA Preceptor Training in June!

This Board-Approved Preceptor Training was created for licensed Nursing Home Administrators or Multi-Level Facility Administrators (in Maine) who would like to serve as a Preceptor for an Administrator-In-Training (AIT). Among other things, it includes a review of the current long-term care State regulations. For details about who can serve as a Preceptor, please refer to the NHA Licensing Board Rules.

This program will be hosted in-person at the MHCA office, in Augusta, on June 22, 2022 from 1:00PM to 3:00PM. There are prerequisites for participating in this State-Approved program. If your certification has expired, or you are seeking to become a NHA Preceptor for the first time, please visit the event page for details. You'll need time to complete the required NAB courses in advance.
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