
The state of Maine MDS training includes a 3 part miniseries

The state of Maine MDS training includes a 3 part miniseries.  
 Part 1 was June 7th
Part 2 will be June 15th 10am- 12
Part 3 will be June 22nd 10am-12

 The series will be repeated again in September.
 If you or your staff need training, or need a refresher of payment item documentation this mini-series is a great opportunity.  Currently these trainings are not being recorded, however you can access the MDS/case mix training handouts here.

 Part 2 training is FREE, but you must preregister here..
 After registering, you will receive a message indicating you have successfully registered for the meeting and to look for your confirmation email which will be from Sue Pinette. You will need the info in that email to join the meeting.
 Note: this is for the current RUG III Nursing Home MDS
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