MaineCare Proposes Rule Changes for Nursing Facilities Principles of Reimbursement
- By: Angela Westhoff
- On: 07/13/2023 13:23:08
- In: Legislative/Government Affairs
Other noteworthy items include a change from 50% to 100% the percentage of the amount owed that nursing facilities must pay when the Division of Audit determines, from the as-filed cost report, that the nursing facility owes money to the Department; adding health savings accounts and flexible spending accounts to the list of Direct Care Cost Components; adding background checks and software costs and licensing fees to the list of allowable costs for the routine component of the rate (we recommended it be fixed cost); proposed language changes to allowable interest expenses being related to patient care; and proposed changes to the classification of purchased central office services.
A full copy of the proposed rule changes can be found here:
Written comments will be received until 11:59 PM on July 24, 2023. For more information, contact Derrick Grant, MaineCare Policy, 109 Capitol Street, Augusta, ME or email:
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