
October MDS Changes-Section A

MDS 3.0 version v1.8.11 
To assist members in preparing for the upcoming MDS changes, We will be posting a focus on the nine areas impacted by the changes.
Changes to Section A
The MDS 3.0 version v1.8.11 final item sets and draft RAI guidance were released on April 3, 2023, and substantial changes were made to several sections. 

Changes made to section A include: 
  • Incorporation of the Standardized Patient Assessment Data Elements (SPADES).
  • Race, Ethnicity, and Preferred Language, which allows for standardized data collection across all health care settings. 
  • Two new QRP Measures which capture Transfer of Health (TOH) Information to the provider and to the patient, beginning on October 1, 2023, on all Part A PPS discharges.
AHCA has created an MDS Section A resource document to help providers breakdown the changes. The information in the resource document outlines key changes to MDS Section A, Coding Instructions/RAI Guidelines for each item, and Actions to Consider for implementation across your facility.
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