Newly Released Standardized Pressure Injury Prevention Protocols
- By: Maureen Carland
- On: 07/31/2023 13:11:59
- In: Quality/Regulatory
This new version of SPIPP is specifically tailored for patients with significantly impaired mobility, and/or critically ill patients, recognizing that immobility is a key contributing factor to pressure injury development. The primary item on the SPIPP checklist addresses current or anticipated mobility issues as a risk factor. In line with the guidelines, SPIPP emphasizes the use of clinical judgment to refine risk assessment and provides a list of risk factors to aid in identifying additional risks. Furthermore, SPIPP addresses methods to redistribute pressure for patients confined to beds or chairs, such as regularly turning patients every 2-3 hours to a 30-degree lateral angle, using wedges, and shifting the upper leg forward when the patient is lying on their side.
SPIPP 2.0 also acknowledges patients with dark skin tones, considering darkly pigmented skin as a risk factor. The document offers guidance on inspecting darker skin tones to detect pressure injury areas even when the skin remains intact. It also highlights enhanced assessment methods to identify early signs of pressure injury.
Regarding skin care actions, SPIPP promotes managing moisture and incontinence by employing urinary and fecal management systems for high-risk patients, maintaining clean and moisturized skin, and using appropriate low friction textiles, breathable pads, and wicking materials in skin folds. Nutritional interventions are also included, emphasizing the need for a screening assessment for malnutrition upon admission and notifying the dietician when necessary, especially for patients with or at risk for malnutrition, those experiencing decreased food intake, or those with open/ulcerated wounds.
The SPIPP offers a realistic and practical method to ensure pressure injury prevention efforts are provided at the patient's bedside.
The entire SPIPP 2.0 can be downloaded for free on NPIAP's web site HERE. You will need to register first.
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