Maine Health Care Association Seeks Member Feedback
- By: Ben Hawkins
- On: 08/03/2023 13:41:14
- In: Announcements/Reminders
MHCA is asking members to complete a brief survey to provide feedback on the quality of current services and input on the future direction of association activities. Your responses to this survey will help us evaluate current member benefits and programs, focusing MHCA resources to where they will provide the most value and the best service to our membership.
We estimate the survey will take 5-7 minutes to complete. All who participate will be entered into a random drawing for a $50 Amazon gift card. Your name will not be associated with your completed survey. Survey responses will be compiled into one summary document.
Thank you in advance for your participation! Any questions or concerns about this surveycan be directed to Angela Westhoff, President and CEO.
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