Join us for one of two Town Hall Forums on Energy Efficiency in Care Centers
- By: Karen Michaud
- On: 12/12/2023 14:59:46
- In: Education
How energy efficient technologies can improve the living and working experience in Maine's long-term care communities.
Transitioning away from fossil fuels not only gives you energy and cost savings, but it will also enhance the comfort for residents and staff. Coupling those benefits with lower maintenance requirements makes it a win-win-win scenario. Join us for this informative discussion about the benefits of heat pump technology including how they can meet all the heating, cooling, and ventilation requirements your facility needs without having to use fossil fuels.
There are two options to participate in this forum: January 10, 2024 (9-10am) OR January 23, 2024 (3-4pm). The intended audience includes operations and maintenance staff, administrators, owners, financial managers, and other individuals who serve in Maine's care centers.
For more details, including the link to register for the Zoom session that works best for you, you may click here for the Event Flyer. There is no cost to participate so don't miss out on the opportunity to get your questions answered.
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