
Free AHCA Infection Preventionist Specialized Training (IPCO)

The IPRO QIN QIO is presenting a unique chance to enhance your team's expertise by granting complimentary access to AHCA/NCAL's Infection Preventionist Specialized Training (IPCO).

AHCA/NCAL's Infection Preventionist Specialized Training (IPCO) is highly recommended for individuals responsible for or interested in infection prevention and control (IP&C). This program is specifically designed to educate Infection Preventionists (IPs) in nursing centers, although many Administrators and leaders have found it valuable as well.

CMS requires that each nursing center appoint a designated and specially trained Infection Preventionist responsible for overseeing a comprehensive infection prevention and control program.

Please be aware that this opportunity is currently limited to one individual per nursing center.
Registration is a two-step process:

Step 1:
     Go to HCA Portal   and register. Once you register, you will receive an email with a code.
Step 2:
     Go to AHCA Infection Preventionist Tab  and use the code that was emailed to you to access the course at no cost.  
For more information, Click HERE to see the program flyer
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