MaineCare Provider Enrollment Progress Update
Gainwell continues to reduce the time it takes to complete their steps within the MaineCare enrollment process. Gainwell completed 559 enrollment cases in March and the average turnaround time for case completion was approximately 20 days. Case inventory was 578 at the end of March and the average system age of a case in inventory dropped to approximately 16.4 days old.
Additionally, to improve MaineCare enrollment, the Office of MaineCare Services (OMS) and Gainwell:
- Completed three system and process enhancements related to provider enrollment referenced in prior updates were implemented and put into production during March.
- Continue to assess and research further system enhancements, such as automating facility licensure.
During the Enrollment Listening Session held on January 17, 2024, providers made suggestions to improve the enrollment case processing time. MaineCare appreciates these suggestions, and we are reviewing and discussing all of them. We have updated the responses in this
Provider Enrollment Suggestions document as we work through them. See the Provider Enrollment Presentation Follow-Up and Progress Update notice from
February 13, 2024 for more information.
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