
Now Available: AHCA/NCAL Summaries of CMS Minimum Staffing and Medicaid Final Rules

Members now have access to detailed summaries of the three final rules released by CMS earlier this week. 

The Minimum Staffing final rule includes an overall standard of 3.48 nursing hours per patient day, which includes 0.55 hours per resident day (HPRD) for RNs and 2.45 CNA HPRD. There is a requirement for an RN in every building 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Specific details on these requirements, implementation timeframes, facility assessment requirements, waiver options, hardship exemptions, and enforcement are available in the member-only summaryPlease note that a member log in is required to view this resource.  

The AHCA/NCAL webinar recording focused on this final rule is also available exclusively for members. On the webinar, President and CEO Mark Parkinson and team walk through the key requirements and time frames in the final rule, as well as next steps. The webinar registration page offers tips to access the webinar. Please email for additional assistance.

The Ensuring Access to Medicaid Services final rule supports ongoing initiatives to enhance health care accessibility and quality. It focuses on improving Home and Community-Based Services and enhancing transparency and public accountability. It also introduces additional data reporting and monitoring across Medicaid's fee-for-service and managed care systems. More information about this rule can be found here.

The Medicaid Managed Care final rule marks a substantial update in the framework governing Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program managed care plans. The rule introduces enhancements aimed at improving care access, quality, and outcomes, with implications for long term and post-acute care (LTPAC) providers. More information about this rule can be found here

Additional resources and materials will be shared as they become available.

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