MHCA Members Urged to Come to Washington to Meet with Your Members of Congress
- By: Angela Westhoff
- On: 05/02/2024 16:32:01
- In: Legislative/Government Affairs
This one-size-fits-all mandate from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services threatens to deepen the workforce crisis in long term care, jeopardizing access to care for our seniors. With bipartisan opposition from lawmakers and widespread concern among healthcare leaders and policy experts nationwide, the time to act swiftly and decisively is now.
Your Members of Congress need to hear from you as they consider the bipartisan Protecting America's Seniors' Access to Care Act (S. 3410/H.R. 7513) which would prohibit the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary from finalizing the proposed nursing home staffing rule. Join us in our efforts to safeguard long term care facilities nationwide from involuntary closures.
Make plans to join us for Congressional Briefing, June 3-4. Register and learn more here. Angela will be scheduling our Capitol Hill visits with Senators Collins and King, and Representatives Golden and Pingree and welcomes all members to join her in DC!
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