
MHCA Member Data Verification Forms emailed to members today

To ensure our database information is up-to-date, members were emailed a copy of their respective data for review today. If any of the information is incorrect and/or missing, please indicate the correct information and return by June 5. Forms may be returned either via fax 207.623.4080, email (, or mail (MHCA, 317 State Street, Augusta, ME 04330).
For providers and Associate Organizational members, this information is used in the association's annual Directory/Buyer's Guide, which will be published in conjunction with the Fall Health Care Conference & Expo (October 15-17 at Samoset Resort, Rockport).
Special Note to Providers:
Please be sure to review the Levels of Care and respective bed size information which will be used in the calculation of dues. Also, for better communication on specific regulatory, education and special program events, we ask that you provide us with the names, titles and email addresses of the staff positions listed on the form.
If you have any questions or did not receive a form, please contact Dianne at the association office.
Staff contact: