
Maine's Essential Care & Support Workforce Partnership to Host a Summit on June 18

For the past two years, MHCA has been a member of Maine's Essential Care & Support Workforce Partnership as an Advisory Council member, working to increase the number of direct care professionals and improve the quality of services provided to people in need. We're sharing an upcoming event hosted by the Partnership, The Future of Maine's Care Workforce Planning Summit, on June 18 from 9-4 at the Harraseeket Inn in Freeport.
The Planning Summit will bring together workers, stakeholders, providers, policymakers, government representatives, and others to establish the start of a five-year action plan to grow the workforce and build a brighter future for everyone in Maine. We hope you will join us!
Lunch will be provided. There is a $35 fee to attend, and registration is required – you can sign up here

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