
Your *NEW* Facility Resident Profile Report Available NOW!

The latest Your Resident Profile publications for skilled nursing centers are now available!

Your Resident Profile is a LTC Trend Tracker? publication (developed by AHCA/NCAL) that provides the information the skilled nursing centers need to begin the resident profile portions of Components 1 and 2 of the annual Facility Assessment, required under the CMS requirements of Participation. Distributed semi-annually, this report allows you to review the resident populations for the centers in your state to help determine the resources they require to provide person-centered care and help establish the services their residents need in both day-to-day operations and emergencies.

Your Resident Profile can be accessed by following these steps:
  1. Log into LTC Trend Tracker
  2. Once you're logged in, on the left-hand menu, click on "Manage Publications" and then select "View and Download Publications".
  3. From the "Select a Publication" drop-down list, select "Your Resident Profile"
  4. From the "Select an Organization" drop-down list, select the organization of interest.
  5. Then either use the "Download by Division" pane to download multiple PDFs by quarter, or use the "View and Download Publications by Building" pane to view or download a PDF for a single building.
(Make sure your web browser allows pop-ups from, to be able to access the downloaded report.)

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