
AHCA provides Communal Dining Guidance to LTC Homes

On March 10, 2021, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) updated their guidance on visitation in nursing homes. CMS continues to recommend that facilities can engage in communal activities and dining if basic infection control measures are taken, including social distancing, hand-hygiene, and source control masks. This applies to all residents, including those who have been vaccinated or recovered from COVID-19 in the last 90 days. Providers should continue to use an infection control and prevention mindset to help keep residents and patients connected and engaged. How this is implemented should be viewed on a facility-by-facility basis depending on COVID-19 infections in the facility, facility accommodations, staff availability, and resident needs. Implementing these policies will likely require changes in staffing patterns and enlisting other staff in the facility. Recommendations on implementing this guidance are included here.

MHCA STRONGLY encourages your home to review and adhere to state guidance at a minimum and utilize these principles as appropriate.

Maine State Table Guidance (Group A)
Maine State Table Guidance (Group B)

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