ADOPTED: 10-144 CMR 264, Immunization Requirements For Healthcare Workers Effective 4-14-2021
- By: Danielle Watford
- On: 04/21/2021 13:27:27
- In: Quality/Regulatory
MHCA will be putting together a summary document to assist members in the development of policies and procedures to remain in compliance following this adoption. In the meantime the changes included:
(1) Adding and updating references to the statutory authority for the rule;
(2) Clarifying, in the Summary, that the rule is purposed to reduce the risk for exposure to and transmission of vaccine-preventable diseases;
(3) Updating the definition of Designated Healthcare Facility to clarify the term applies to facilities subject to licensure by the Department;
(4) Updating the term Intermediate Care Facility for the Mentally Retarded (ICF/MR) to Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IID);
(5) Adding definitions for Public Health Emergency, Public Health Threat, and Extreme Public Health Emergency;
(6) Removing outdated H1N1 2009-10 reporting language;
(7) Adding influenza to the list of vaccine-preventable diseases for which healthcare facilities must require all employees to provide proof of immunization, or immunity, or documentation of an authorized exemption;
(8) Adding a description of the Department's authority during a declared Extreme Public Health Emergency, to impose additional disease prevention control measures, including mandatory and mass vaccinations and recommended dosages therefor; and
(9) Clarifying that records of Designated Healthcare Facility employee vaccinations must be maintained by the facility for six years following termination.
Staff Contact:
(2) Clarifying, in the Summary, that the rule is purposed to reduce the risk for exposure to and transmission of vaccine-preventable diseases;
(3) Updating the definition of Designated Healthcare Facility to clarify the term applies to facilities subject to licensure by the Department;
(4) Updating the term Intermediate Care Facility for the Mentally Retarded (ICF/MR) to Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IID);
(5) Adding definitions for Public Health Emergency, Public Health Threat, and Extreme Public Health Emergency;
(6) Removing outdated H1N1 2009-10 reporting language;
(7) Adding influenza to the list of vaccine-preventable diseases for which healthcare facilities must require all employees to provide proof of immunization, or immunity, or documentation of an authorized exemption;
(8) Adding a description of the Department's authority during a declared Extreme Public Health Emergency, to impose additional disease prevention control measures, including mandatory and mass vaccinations and recommended dosages therefor; and
(9) Clarifying that records of Designated Healthcare Facility employee vaccinations must be maintained by the facility for six years following termination.
Staff Contact: