Updated Guidance Released on Testing, Visitation, and Activities
- By: Danielle Watford
- On: 04/28/2021 15:16:45
- In: COVID-19
- Residents and visitors may visit without distancing and source control masks if alone in the resident's room and the resident and visitor are fully vaccinated. If the visitor is not vaccinated, they can visit with a fully vaccinated resident alone in the resident's room without distancing while wearing well-fitting source control masks.
- Communal dining and activities may occur without physical distancing if all residents are vaccinated.
- Vaccinated health care personnel no longer need to undergo routine testing, but should continue to be tested after exposure, during an outbreak, or if experiencing symptoms.
The new guidance can be found here:
- CDC Updated Healthcare Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations in Response to COVID-19 Vaccination
- CMS QSO Memo on Nursing Home Visitation
- CMS QSO Memo on Testing