Nursing Home Staff Awarded 2021 McKnight Prize for Healthcare Outbreak Heroes
- By: Nadine Grosso
- On: 05/13/2021 10:20:59
- In: COVID-19
This week, the CDC Foundation and the Evelyn and Thomas McKnight Family Fund for Patient Safety announced that the 2021 McKnight Prize for Healthcare Outbreak Heroes is being awarded to all nursing home staff in the U.S. This honor extends to nursing home staff across all work levels and job functions for the heroism and bravery exercised during the COVID-19 pandemic. The award recognizes those who serve and protect patients from harm related to health care outbreaks.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, nursing homes were one of the hardest hit sectors across all of health care. Nursing home staff went above and beyond, setting their fears aside to care for and protect their residents in the face of great personal risk. According to the federal government, over 550,000 nursing home staff contracted COVID-19 and over 1,000 lost their lives.
By awarding this honor to the entire nation's nursing home workforce, the McKnight Prize Committee wishes to express utmost gratitude and appreciation and render rightful recognition for the heroism and bravery exercised during the COVID-19 pandemic.
AHCA is proud to be a presenting partner with the CDC Foundation. The association will host the formal award ceremony, which will take place at the 72nd AHCA/NCAL Annual Convention & Expo in October. Come and celebrate this significant recognition with your heroic colleagues!
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