
Changes to NON-NIOSH approved respirators

Today Friday May 28, 2021, MHCA received updated guidance from Federal CDC & FDA with regard to N95 supply and supply strategies. See below for guidance updates.

Situational update as of May 2021: The supply and availability of NIOSH-approved respirators have increased significantly over the last several months. Healthcare facilities should not be using crisis capacity strategies at this time and should promptly resume conventional practices. Check the 
NIOSH Certified Equipment List to identify all NIOSH-approved respirators.

Healthcare facilities should stop purchasing non-NIOSH approved respirators for use as respiratory protection and consider using any that have been stored for source control where respiratory protection is not needed. Respirators that were previously used and decontaminated should not be stored. We do not know the long term stability of non-NIOSH approved respirators and respirators that have been decontaminated, and if these will be recommended for use in the future. Healthcare facilities should return to using only NIOSH-approved respirators where needed.

In addition, the FDA has also posted a letter about transitioning from non-NIOSH-approved and decontaminated disposable respirators: