State to send out applications for COVID-19 facility relief
- By: Richard Erb
- On: 06/17/2021 08:22:07
- In: Legislative/Government Affairs
MHCA and Berry Dunn have communicated with DHHS, advocating for a simple application process. When you receive the application, we strongly urge you to return it promptly. Our understanding is that when the deadline passes, facilities that have not responded will be ineligible for funding.
An additional $40 million in COVID-19 relief funding for LTC facilities has been included in the proposed DHHS budget for 2021-2022. These funds would be available after July 1, 2021, using a yet to be determined methodology. MHCA is leading the effort to increase this amount and we urge members to watch for Action Alerts on when and how to contact your legislator.
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