MHCA Advocacy in Action
- By: Angela Westhoff
- On: 09/02/2021 11:25:03
- In: Legislative/Government Affairs
MHCA won't stop advocating until these funds are disbursed to facilities to help in the near term and we have a plan to address the work force crisis on a longer-term basis.
To effectively advocate with the Mills administration and policy makers, MHCA conducted a survey to collect information that reflects the staffing challenges members are facing. We have compiled that data into a Long-Term Care Workforce Crisis briefing document.
This document has been shared with the media and policy makers as we continue to advocate on behalf of the membership and the residents we care for. MHCA has also met with the Governor's Chief of Staff and lead health policy staffer to share the dire situation that long term care facilities are in. We have asked for immediate financial relief and to also work collaboratively on longer term solutions to the work force situation.
With the additional impacts of COVID-19 fatigue, the rise of the Delta variant, and a provider community stretched too thin, MHCA is very concerned that without additional financial support, we will see an acceleration in nursing home closures.
We know the pandemic is not over and you are facing increased regulations, decreased staffing, high levels of stress and burnout, and mandatory vaccination. We have requested modifications to the implementation of the vaccine requirements including some flexibility on new hires. We continue to underscore the challenges of funding, staffing, and access to care as we engage in conversations with decision makers at the state and national levels.
MHCA continues to advocate at the national, state and local levels for equitable COVID-19 requirements and mandates, reimbursement that covers the overwhelming cost of care, and the growing crisis with our already depleted healthcare workforce.
For more information contact Angela Westhoff: