MHCA Participating in Transitions of Care Workgroup
- By: Nadine Grosso
- On: 09/16/2021 12:23:30
- In: COVID-19
In the early days of the pandemic, MHCA served on a workgroup comprised of representatives across the health care continuum. The purpose of the group that met weekly was to provide information on the impact of COVID-19 on hospitals, long term care facilities and home health care providers and to identify areas of collaboration on transitions of care, among other issues. With the unfortunate spike of COVID-19 prevalence in Maine, the group recently reconvened for the same purpose.
Participants are addressing concerns about provider capacity, workforce challenges, the stress on our healthcare system and strategies to ensure uninterrupted access to high quality medical, home health and hospice, residential and nursing home care.
MHCA will keep members apprised of this work and any associated action items.
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