Maine COVID-19 Vaccine Provider Reminders
- By: Danielle Watford
- On: 09/23/2021 09:27:16
- In: Legislative/Government Affairs
From: Maine Immunization Program
Subject: COVID-19 Vaccination Provider
Requirements Date: September 22, 2021 All COVID-19 providers are reminded that within 24 hours of administering a dose of COVID-19 vaccine and adjuvant (if applicable), the organization must record in the vaccine recipient's record and report the required information to ImmPact. Expired doses must also be reconciled from your inventory, as soon as possible to ensure that the inventory listed in ImmPact is reflecting the actual count in your storage unit. When signing the COVID-19 Provider Agreement, providers are agreeing to adhere to these specific requirements. Should you have any questions, please call the Maine Immunization Program at 207-287-3746
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