
Watch the 2021 Excellence in LTC Awards Program to be inspired

Last week, MHCA and the Maine Long Term Care Ombudsman Program presented 33 dedicated long term care employees with the 2021 Excellence in Long Term Care Award during a virtual event. The celebration, which was well attended, featured opening remarks by Representative Jessica Fay (House District 66, Parts of Casco, Poland, and Raymond). Representative Fay recently served on a long term care study commission and is passionate about workforce development. She shared the following in her comments to winners:

“The skill necessary to understand the needs of so many different people is invaluable and it is an honor and a privilege to be here with you to celebrate that today. What I noticed as I read the wonderful and well-deserved comments, was that there were some common threads and themes that emerged about you all.

You stepped up– are continuing to step up – big time during COVID, and gave so much to the people who depend on you, even at incredible personal sacrifice. There are many people who are alive today because of you. And other people who could take comfort in loss knowing that even if they couldn't be with their loved ones, they had you there for them providing care and comfort. Wow.

Each of you are a gift – to your colleagues, to those you care for and to their families, and on behalf of my colleagues, thank you for taking care of all of us!”

Winners will receive $100, as well as a commemorative tumbler and program book. Watch the event to be inspired and join MHCA in thanking these dedicated employees for their work.