
Long Term Care Voices for Vaccination

MHCA has launched a paid, targeted social media advertising campaign featuring the following long term care residents and employees who share why they chose to get vaccinated against COVID-19. These short videos, around one minute or less, will run on Facebook and Instagram until October 29th. Using the state's vaccination dashboard, MHCA specifically targeted areas of the state in which there are lower staff vaccination rates. We are also sharing them on our FaceBook page and providing them to members to use for organic reach.

We thank the following residents from 75 State Street and employees from Gorham House, The Lamp Memory Care, Island Nursing Home, Barron Center for sharing their voices and supporting COVID-19 vaccination efforts statewide. Their words are compelling. We encourage you to share them far and wide!
Like many long-term care residents, Barry Smith, a resident of 75 State Street in Portland, urges Maine health care providers to be vaccinated against COVID-19. See why Barry believes the COVID-19 vaccine is all important in long term care communities.

Mike and Ann Kendell, residents of 75 State Street in Portland, share their reasons for getting the COVID-19 vaccine. It's not just about them, it's about their whole community and honoring a responsibility to protect one another's health and safety.

Kassim Weli, LPN, says, "If a 96-year-old long term care resident can take the vaccine, so can you." Join the fight against COVID-19 and get vaccinated today.

See what changed Ciarra Lancaster's mind and convinced her to get vaccinated against COVID-19. As a Certified Nursing Assistant on the frontlines in long term care, she urges everyone to be a part of stopping the pandemic.

As a Social Worker, Amanda Blanchard views vaccination as a tangible act of love and service to the long term care residents and families she works with every day. Join her in keeping these vulnerable residents safe from COVID-19 by getting vaccinated.

Adrianna Sirois, a Certified Nursing Assistant, shares that talking to trusted medical professionals and weeding out misinformation on social media are the keys to making an informed choice about COVID-19 vaccination. After doing her own research, she decided to get vaccinated.

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