
Maine Nursing Workforce Trend Report

The Maine Nursing Action Coalition (MeNAC) and the Maine Hospital Association release nursing workforce report. The Nursing Workforce in Maine: Trends and Forecasts 2015- 2020/21 was released earlier this week. The forecast looks at the supply and demand for RNs in Maine. If the demand for health care continues at the same level during the 2020-2021 (COVID-19 pandemic) the shortage of nurses in 2025 will be 2,250 RNs.

The number of licensed, working RN's in ME increased to 16,667 in 2020/21 from 16,063 in 2015. This represents a 4% net increase. The age cohort with the largest growth was nurses young than 35 years of age.

In 2015, there were approximately 27,000 nurses (RN, APRN, LPN) licensed in the state. This increased slightly to 27,888 in 2020/21. Almost 9 out of 10 licensed RNs in Maine are working as nurses either full time (69.6%) or part time (10%) or per diem (7.1%). Unemployment among RNs is very low at 1.9%.

You can access the full report here.

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