
Senator Susan Collins champions PRF legislation

AHCA/NCAL, along with a coalition of long term care advocates, recently voiced its support for the Provider Relief Fund (PRF) Improvement Act (S. 3611/H.R. 5963). The legislation, which was introduced by Senator Shaheen (NH) and co-sponsored by Senator Susan Collins, extends current reporting requirements and use-of-funds deadlines to the end of the pandemic.
The bill also directs the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to distribute any remaining funds by March 31 and calls for the creation of an application process for certain providers to receive funds returned in compliance with previous deadlines.

AHCA/NCAL endorses this legislation and noted that, in addition to pushing out any remaining dollars in the PRF to providers, HRSA replenishment the PRF as this pandemic, and the impact of it, is not over.
MHCA thanks Senator Collins for her continued support of long term care.
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