Nursing Facility (NF) and Residential Care Facility (PNMI Appendix C) Rates are Available for Billing
- By: Angela Westhoff
- On: 03/10/2022 15:27:34
- In: State Agency News
Please adjust claims submitted at the previous rate. Providers will have 120 days from the date of this notice to submit corrected adjustments. However, they encourage you to adjust affected claims for RCFs by March 23, 2022.
These rates include an add-on payment component to comply with Section AAAA-5 of the FY22-FY23 biennial budget's (PL 2021 Chap. 398), as well as another add-on payment component per an initiative in the Governor's proposed FY22-FY23 supplemental budget to reinstate Supplemental Wage Allowances. These add-on components to the rates are through June 30, 2022. The Department is seeking CMS authority for these add-on components, where needed.
See the previous e-messages from March 1, 2022 for more details about the letters and rates:
- Attention Sections 67 and 97, Appendix C Providers
- Residential Care Facility (PNMI Appendix C) Rate Letters
Please contact your Provider Relations Specialist with questions.
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