
Virtual networking group for Maine LTC Activity Professionals begins next week, March 23

Calling all activity professionals! We are excited to share the first meeting of the virtual Maine Activity Professionals group is next week! Prior to the beginning the pandemic, an active group of dedicated activities professionals had been meeting for several years. Now feels like a great time to reconnect! Join the group to share inspiration, calendars, activity ideas, entertainers, stories and laughs. All are welcome, statewide.The first meeting will be March 23rd at 1:00 via Zoom.

MHCA extends gratitude to Sarah Nute, Director of Life Enrichment at the Barron Center in Portland for sparking this effort and offering to facilitate. Thank you Sarah! To receive a Zoom link to participate in this group, please click here. Please feel free to reach out to me in the association office with any questions, at 

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