
Mills Administration Launches Healthcare Training for ME

Yesterday, Governor Mills announced the launch of Healthcare Training for ME, an initiative of her Maine Jobs & Recovery Plan to strengthen Maine's healthcare workforce by expanding availability of free and low-cost career training to help health care workers advance their careers, support workforce training needs of healthcare employers, and attract new workers.

Through the new Healthcare Training for ME website individuals and employers can connect with training from employers and education partners, such as adult education programs, community colleges, and the university system. Individuals and employers may then apply to receive tuition assistance to enroll in training programs, or offer training to their employees, at little or no cost.

Starting today, health care employers with 100 or less employees and who accept MaineCare can start applying for training funds to address staff recruitment and retention issues. All other employers and individuals apply for funds on May 2, 2022.
“The two most important indicators of pandemic recovery in Maine nursing homes and assisted living communities are robust staffing and occupancy,” said Angela Westhoff, President and CEO of the Maine Health Care Association. “COVID-19 continues to put strain on these connected factors and our members remain concerned about staff burnout, turnover, and a mass departure from caregiving altogether. MHCA is pleased to partner with the Administration on tangible recruitment and retention solutions, like Healthcare Training for ME, that will encourage, incentivize, and cultivate the next generation of Maine's health care professionals.”

You can learn more here: Governor Mills Announces New Maine Jobs & Recovery Plan Initiative to Strengthen Maine's Healthcare Workforce | Office of Governor Janet T. Mills

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