Deadline approaching for interest in serving on 2022-2023 AHCA and NCAL boards
- By: Nadine Grosso
- On: 04/14/2022 12:55:25
- In: National Affiliate News
In accordance with the AHCA bylaws, the AHCA Council of States elects the AHCA officers on an annual basis. The At-large Representatives are elected on an annual basis as well. However, the number of At-large seats up for election in any given year is dependent upon the positions available. Four of the seven At-large seats are up for election in 2022. Three At-large seats will be up for election in 2023.
The NCAL elections are for the three officer positions (Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary/Treasurer) and seven At-large Representatives. In accordance with the NCAL bylaws, NCAL's Board of Directors and State Leaders elect NCAL's officers and 7 of 14 At-large Representatives on an annual basis.
AHCA/NCAL's Credentialing Committee will conduct the certification process for all candidates seeking office for AHCA and NCAL. Both elections will take place in October 2022 at the AHCA/NCAL annual convention in Nashville, TN. All candidates interested in running for a position on either board may obtain the candidacy materials on both the AHCA/NCAL website.
All candidacy materials for both elections must be submitted electronically no later than May 6, 2022. AHCA candidates may submit their application materials to Christy Herle at NCAL candidates may submit their application materials to Katherine Preede at All candidates will receive an email of receipt when their paperwork has been received.
For AHCA questions, please contact Christy Herle at or 202-898-2839. For NCAL questions, please contact Katherine Preede at or 202-898-2843.
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