
Maine DHHS Releases Template for 125% Minimum Wage Payment Calculation for Nursing Homes and Residential Care Facilities (PNMI-Cs)

Part AAAA-5 of the budget enacted last summer (Public Law 2021 Chapter 398) requires that the rates in the 7/1/22 rate letters “enable providers to cover labor costs for essential support workers…to equal at least 125% of the minimum wage […including…] related taxes and benefits [...]”
The Department has developed this template to collect employee-level data from the facilities, in order to calculate the payment necessary to each facility to bring reimbursement for workers under 125% of minimum wage up to 125% of minimum wage.
The template is due no later than COB on Thursday, June 24, 2022.  The Department will then use the resulting data to calculate the total amount for each facility for Part AAAA which will be incorporated in the FY 2023 rates.  Any delay in receiving the template may result in delays with the issuance of the rate letters. 
Instructions are included in the template.  If you have questions, please contact
MHCA encourages members to submit their data in a timely manner.
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