Stay Up to Date on CDC Recommendations and CMS Requirements
- By: Danielle Watford
- On: 06/13/2022 08:52:17
- In: COVID-19
For skilled nursing facilities, staying current on COVID-19 vaccines is also important since various guidance from CMS hinges on resident or staff up to date status. This includes:
- Nursing Home Visitation Guidance (QSO-20-39-NH): Guidance and recommendations, such as the usage of source control masks and outdoor visitation, differs for those who are up to date on their vaccines.
- Nursing Home Testing Guidance (QSO-20-38-NH): Routine testing of staff is only required for those who are NOT up to date on their vaccines.
- Nursing Home COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements for Residents and Staff (QSO-21-19): In situations where the COVID-19 vaccine requires multiple doses, nursing facilities must offer and provide current information regarding those additional doses.
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