
MHCA Thanks Senator Angus King for Advocacy Efforts to Support Skilled Nursing Facilities

Last week, Senator Angus King joined with at least a dozen other U.S. Senators to submit a joint letter to Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Administration regarding the proposed rule to update Medicare payment policies and rates for skilled nursing facilities.
The collective letter notes, “The proposed FY23 Skilled Nursing Facility Prospective Payment System Rule would result in a $320 million overall decrease in payments to long term care facilities. This cut could have a disastrous effect on rural facilities that continue to face severe workforce shortages as they deal with the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. The proposed payment cut would exacerbate current challenges and potentially lead to the closure of rural facilities. Rural America simply cannot afford to lose any more of these facilities, which is why we urge CMS to assure some predictability and stability to the sector by changing course and phasing-in any parity adjustment cuts over a three-year period.”
Maine Health Care Association representatives were in Washington DC last week as part of the AHCA/NCAL Congressional Briefing and had the opportunity to meet with Senator King directly to discuss the staffing and economic crisis long term care providers are facing. MHCA thanks Senator King for his support on this issue.
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