
Excellence in LTC Awards Deadline Approaching

The deadline to nominate your deserving staff for a 2022 Excellence in Long Term Care Award is right around the corner!

Submit your nomination online by July 29, 2022Award Nomination Form.

The Excellence in Long Term Care Award recognizes employees statewide who consistently exemplify a commendable level of caregiving, dedication, and professionalism in caring for their residents. Because there are many team members who contribute to quality of care and life, we present caregiving awards across all disciplines as follows: 
  • Nursing/direct caregiver, such as a Nurse, CNA, PSS, CRMA, HHA, or another direct caregiver, AND
  • All other disciplines, like social work, dietary, activities, etc. from any other department
Administrators/supervisors may nominate a staff member of their choice. Facilities may submit one nomination in each category for a total of two nominations per facility. All nominees must be employed by their organization/facility for at least one year. An independent panel of judges will select the winners who will be recognized during a special live event in late September, location to be determined. 

There's never been a better time to honor your caregivers. Nominating your staff requires a small investment of time and energy that has the potential to offer a great return in workforce development.

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