
Pay Close Attention to Your PBJ Submissions

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services officially unveiled its updated Five-Star rating system within the last few weeks and many homes may have experienced a significant reduction in your staffing measure, and subsequent overall quality measure in the process. According to McKnight's, a review of the revision has revealed that thousands of nursing homes' ratings had dropped. The new system takes weekend staffing levels and turnover rates into play for the first time. An analysis by consulting and analytics firm Formation Healthcare found that more than a quarter of providers (3,783) nationally declined in overall 5-star rating from June to July, with 419 losing 2 or more stars.

We urge members to ensure that their data capture is accurate by auditing your PBJ submissions PRIOR to hitting the final send. At this time, any staff person who is accounted for on the previous quarter PBJ submission and then does not have hours for at least 60 days on the following quarter is considered termed and will count in your turnover rates.

CMS first announced in January that it would begin posting facility turnover and weekend staffing data to Care Compare, and that the information would be included into the Five-Star rating system by July.

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